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August 30, 2012

Teamwork A Must

In business like sports success depends on the even quality and effort of the team. You need to develop a collaborative environment within your business. A place where everyone is responsible and accountable for its contribution, but also where they are engaged and aware on the common goal of the company. You need to trust people working with you and expect they will accomplish their part the best they can. 

There isn't best example on teamwork and effective collaboration as the way APPLE works. Here is Steve Jobs talking about it: 

August 29, 2012

An Effective Presentation

As an entrepreneur or business professional results key doing effective presentations about your venture or the company you represent. Here are some great tips from Neil Patel one of my favorite startups pitchers and
 named as one of the top web influencers according to the Wall Street Journal:

1. Don't abuse your visuals
2. Look at your audience
3. Show your personality
4. Make them laugh
5. Talk to your audience, not at them
6. Be honest
7. Don't over prepare
8. Show some movement
9. Watch what you say
10. Differentiate yourself

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August 28, 2012

Be Fearless

The ONE thing the successful entrepreneurs I know have in common is that they aren't afraid. They don't fear: 

making decisions; 
doing mistakes; 
losing their money; 
asking for it; 
getting help; 
going out their comfort zones; 
working very hard; 
living with nothing; 
challenging the usual; 
pursuing ideas; 
being criticized; 
talking to people; 
saying no; 
and ultimately TRYING.

August 27, 2012

Refilling Your Energy

Owing a business demands a lot from your physical energy. Like sports you need to put in significant energy to be in good form. Therefore, it is extremely important to set time apart, where you shut down everything to recharge your batteries. 

When doing so, it helps going to places far from urban activity and where you can get the less human contact possible. This way your mind holds the minimum day-to-day data. In this condition, you will be able to see the big picture again. Thinking clearly on what is working or not. So when you come back to take the business reins, you can do it with an improved strategy and your energy fully recharged to implement it.