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June 27, 2012

Business Focus

The sum of your total efforts needs to be bigger than those individually. By saying NO to things that individually are great but in the sum don't add on, you will be able to generate great products or services. This is an effective management principal.

"Focusing is about SAYING NO" - Steve Jobs, Apple Inc.

June 19, 2012

Business Patience

In business, you need to deal with the fact that few things go according to plan. Even if you are working hard and active towards the goals set. Only over time the big results will arrive. Letting time doing its work is always wise. Try to 
avoid quitting temptations during offsets nor getting desperate when things get tough. They always will.

3 tips to develop PATIENCE in business:

1. Even if your ultimate goal is big. Set smaller goals towards it. This way you are able to reach this big goal as a sum of more attainable and realistic results. Go step by step.

2. Mistakes and offsets will happen. Learn the lesson but move fast. Remember, businesses are similar to a boxing match. There are several rounds and you lose some. However, they last only 3 minutes and you can't be down for more than 10 seconds. So go up and keep fighting.

3. You can't have control over all things. When you feel overwhelmed put everything aside and do something you really enjoy doing (that has nothing to do with business). Having a hubby and life other than business is truly important. It helps you keeping your cool.

June 15, 2012

Business Flow

Doing LESS and not MORE helps to maintain the necessary FLOW for your business to progress. The important thing is to focus on key things and let the rest to others. You need to concentrate on what has more impact on your business and that you do better. By doing so, you also don't saturate your mind and remains clear to make quick and good decisions.

Roger Hamilton explains:

June 14, 2012

Passion Is Basic

There are many elements discussed on what it makes a business successful. Among those, having PASSION for what you do or what your business is about, it is the basic element. I have failed on business when done for the wrong reasons. Worst those done for the money as the only objective. But when you feel passionate about what you do or you really enjoy doing a specific business, then success comes as consequence of it. 

None better has described the importance to feeling passion or enjoying a business as Steve Jobs:

June 11, 2012

Asking For Help

For many reasons, including insecurity issues, people tend to avoid asking for help. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur is very important that you leave any issues you might have, be shameless, and ask for help. Your worst scenario is getting a NO, which you already have from the beginning. However, receiving the right help, can even be the difference between success and failure. 

Here is Steve Jobs talking about his experience on asking for help, and his fearless attitude towards failure.

June 10, 2012

Learning From Failure

Failing is an Important, unavoidable and critical ingredient to success. When it happens, move on fast but learn the lesson. Scenarios always repeat and you will know what to do next time under the same circunstances. Don't feel bad. Its part of the game and everyone fails in business more than once. Even the most successful.

Here is Richard Branson, my favourite entrepreneur, talking about failure, how to face it and learn from it:

June 8, 2012

Common Sense A Vital for Business

COMMON SENSE is the most important human quality you can use in business. Over twenty years of experience working and doing businesses, I have seen very educated and intelligent people doing terrible business decisions for the lack of it. If you want to decrease your risk on any venture, try to use your common sense as much as you possibly can. 

Here is a great advice on this topic from successful and celebrated British entrepreneur Nick Wheeler.