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June 19, 2012

Business Patience

In business, you need to deal with the fact that few things go according to plan. Even if you are working hard and active towards the goals set. Only over time the big results will arrive. Letting time doing its work is always wise. Try to 
avoid quitting temptations during offsets nor getting desperate when things get tough. They always will.

3 tips to develop PATIENCE in business:

1. Even if your ultimate goal is big. Set smaller goals towards it. This way you are able to reach this big goal as a sum of more attainable and realistic results. Go step by step.

2. Mistakes and offsets will happen. Learn the lesson but move fast. Remember, businesses are similar to a boxing match. There are several rounds and you lose some. However, they last only 3 minutes and you can't be down for more than 10 seconds. So go up and keep fighting.

3. You can't have control over all things. When you feel overwhelmed put everything aside and do something you really enjoy doing (that has nothing to do with business). Having a hubby and life other than business is truly important. It helps you keeping your cool.

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