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September 25, 2012

You Always Need a Portion of Luck

Luck can be interpreted n many ways, but whichever your definition is, you always need a portion of it when venturing on business. One of the best ways how to describe this as follows:

"In the same way we oversimplify success as being very personal, a direct result of our herculean efforts and intellects, we treat business failure as equally personal. It failed because of us. Because we didn’t work hard enoug
h, didn’t come up with an idea good enough, just weren’t smart enough to make a success of it.

It didn’t. Once you’ve been around people who’ve started a business or two, you realise that’s all just nonsense. Starting a business is more art than science. More guesswork than knowledge. More optimism than rationalism. There is no blueprint. It’s a lot about hard work. It’s a lot about adaptability. It’s a lot about encouraging serendipity, more commonly known as being in the right place, at the right time. It’s a lot about luck. Luck is to business, what foreplay is to sex – while not strictly mandatory it sure makes the ride smoother." - from Venture Beat at "Why Winning Is Not Our Natural State" article.

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