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Accéder Main Logo

July 27, 2012

Talking to Clients

Either is a "cold call" or a face-to-face meeting it's very important talk effectively with clients. Today this process becomes more challenging as we are bombarded with information from all the sources available. Therefore, the attention spam you get is short. In my experience consider these:

1. Talk with simple words. Avoid technical jargon. 

2. Focus on the message you want to deliver. Don't over talk.

3. Be yourself. If you get comfortable talking, the other part will be as well.

4. Be polite. Respect is everything when it comes to human interaction.

5. Use examples to explain what you are saying. Keep them simple as a six-year-old would understand.

6. Don't be shy asking questions or encourage them.

7. Listen when your client is talking. Make sure you understand.

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