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July 19, 2012

Starting Your Own Business

Picking up a business to start is a real challenge. I have failed numerous times doing so. I always recommend starting on your own before partnering. Here are some important things to consider when starting your business from scratch:

1. Develop something you enjoy doing. Better if you feel passionate about it.

2. Find the ways to earn money with it. Do a simple business plan.

3. Start from home and with the basic but good tools. Don't over spend.

4. Pick up a name that is catchy and reflects what you do. Ask for feedback.

5. Buy its domain and incorporate your business. Study types of incorporation.

6. Create its identity with a web site and social media. Don't forget business cards.

7. Do a realistic sales plan with the lowest of expectations. Profits will take time.

8. Execute your plan and adjust it as goes. Things never happen as planned.

9. Get a good business advisor, an accountant, and a lawyer. Listen to them.

10. Be open for everyone's opinions but trust your guts. Be firm but not stubborn.

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