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July 16, 2012

Working From Home

As entrepreneur, I've been working from home more time than in a regular office over 15 years now. Today is more common to do it and modern communications make it easier than never. Things that allow me to this effectively are the following:

1. Designate a working space. From a desk to a complete room that can be and feel as "your office". Invest on a filing cabinet, a good size desk and a co
mfortable chair.

2. Discipline. You need to assign yourself a schedule. The advantage of working from home is the ability to combine personal and professional activities that can't be done working from a regular office. However you need to keep it separate on an standard routine.

3. Tools. Invest on a good laptop or tablet that supports communication technologies such as video conferencing (Skype), roaming (USB card) and compatible with your smartphone so you can keep your working schedule and to-do-lists on multiple devices. Also invest on a good data plan for your phone and Internet wireless service from your cable supplier.

4. Enjoy it. I am always dressed on comfy clothes, sometimes check my stuff laying on my bed or at my terrace. On "coffee breaks" I do personal stuff from laundry to go out to run home errands. I have my kitchen available for my favorite coffee or snacks. When my kids arrive home, I assign a complete "hour meeting" to ask them how was school and make sure they will do their homework while I finish my day "at work".

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