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July 18, 2012

The Art Of Selling

Any entrepreneur must learn to sell. Without having the ability to sell, your success chances are low. I used to hate selling because I didn't know how to do it. The Art of Selling is something you can learn and eventually master. Like any sport takes time and lots of practice. 

Here are some critical elements you need to consider when selling that work for me:

1. Find what is unique on your product or service and talk about it. This will be your value proposition.

2. Find what disadvantages your product or service has and be prepared to respond.

3. When talking to potential clients don't hesitate when pitching. Be passionate about it.

4. Follow your meetings with emails or by phone whatever you judge is less annoying for your target.

5. Always make sure on the reception of quotes or any other important documents.

6. Look for face-to-face meetings as much as you can. Lunch, dinner, golf applies.

7. Know your targets and identify their hidden worries. Human perspective is extremely important to close a deal.

8. Be strong but always keep courtesy and good humor.

9. We all have the NO guaranteed. So don't fear rejection. Walk in as if they were already your customers.

10. Remember to find the right timing and keep the momentum as much as you can. These two can be your best or worst friends on trying to close the deal.

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